Development Programs & Training

URSLC takes Water Awareness & Water Safety skills out to relevant local Communities through establish programs delivered through our club instructors. We work at grass root levels through our association with Soloman Mahlangu Primary School in the Cornubia/Mt Edgecombe area, where we take in 20 learners under the age of 14 each year, and ensure they develop the necessary awareness skills. Other successful programs have been our “ZERO to HERO” program that’s looks at developing advanced skills into young adults to facilitate them securing employment as Permanent Lifeguard. If you are willing support our initiatives in this area please contact

Soloman Mahlangu Primary School

Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu born in 1956 and was a South African freedom fighter, struggle activist and operative for the ANC militant wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. Solomon Mahlangu Primary School was established in 2015 in the Mount Edgecombe/Cornubia area to the west of uMhlanga and caters for the needs on school going learners from the local community below the age of 14. URSLC has engaged with learners and teachers from this school over the years to develop water competency and awareness skills in learners from this local community.

Lifeguards on Duty *

Summer    8am – 5pm
Winter     9am – 4pm

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* The lifesaving duties and responsibilities for the club are only done on Sundays & Public Holidays.

Lifeguards on Duty *

Summer    8am – 5pm
Winter     9am – 4pm

* The lifesaving duties and responsibilities for the club are only done on Sundays & Public Holidays.

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Training Programs We Offer

Water Awareness & Safety

KZN is renowned for its warm ocean and sunny beaches, with the beach attendance often in the thousands. Unfortunately, a vast majority of these beachgoers are unfamiliar with the dangers associated with surf conditions. The URSLC water awareness and water safety initiatives are geared towards sharing the local surf knowledge and lifesaving skill set to our community and neighboring schools, in an effort to educate and empower residents in KZN to be vigilant and safe in and around water.

Nippers Level 1, 2 & 3

Nipper level 1 to 3 test covers Water Safety Awareness, Basic First Add Protocol and Basic Maritime Signals for young adults under the age of 14. The level 1 is for those under age of 10, level 2 for those under the age of 12 and level 3 for those under the age of 14. There is also a physical competency assessment that includes a pool swim (300- 400m) that needs to be completed below 8-9 minutes depending on age group, and finally Ocean run swim run (75m~150 m swim~75 m swim) to be completed in 9-10 minutes depending on age group. The aim is to ensure all our young adults are equipped to safely engage with water activities, and provides the basis of further awards like Junior Lifeguard Award and Lifeguard Award.

Junior Lifeguard Award

The course aims to introduce young learners between the age of 14 and 16 to basic emergency care including effective CPR, identifying dangerous surf conditions and performing surf rescues.  This course lays the foundation in building strong and competent individuals capable of identifying a person in distress and having the skill set to rescue them. 

Lifeguard Award

The Lifeguard Award course aims to enhance one’s surf swimming ability, develop operational skills of rescue craft and equipment as well as qualifying the learner as an emergency care operator equivalent to a Level 2 first Aid and effective CPR training.

Whilst learning the key aspects to identify dangerous surf conditions, this course teaches how to use effective lifeguarding systems to minimize hazardous situations thus ensuring ongoing public safety. Becoming a lifeguard not only requires physical endurance, an in-depth knowledge of surf conditions and emergency care but a Lifeguard above all us needs to show compassion for their local community

QC Award

The QC award is offered to anyone who has a passion for the ocean and compassion for people. This course focuses on the land-based components of the Lifeguard award only thus excluding the water safety and craft rescue techniques. Holding a QC award enables you to operate within a lifeguard unit with the specific focus on emergency care training, lifeguard systems and public relations and communications

Watch our Water Safety Day video

What's on at Rox SLC?